Monday, November 23, 2009

Caught Up In The World of Now

Well if you are friends with me on facebook, follow me on twitter, or linked with me on Linkedin, you might have asked the question like many others did this past week. Where is Patrick Finley? Well let me answer that question for you. I was here. No not here on-line but at work, school, church, and many other places just as I always am. I just wanted to take a break from social media.

When this this little break started I intended for it to be just for the weekend. Well the weekend turned into 3 days, 4 days, and so on leading up to a 9 day break. Then I had this great idea for a social media blog. Then yesterday my thoughts on how to approach this blog started to change.

See, I'm a laid back guy. My little twitter (I know, little twitter..haha) bio even says so, "laid back but on top of it." But here of late I've been struggling with something. I've got caught up in the "Now". Wanting things to happen now. Somethings I know I don't want to happen now, but for some reason I've pushed things. Why? Yesterday I really wasn't sure.

So, last night thinking about this I just decided to put my mind on other things. So I picked up my iPhone to catch up on some sermons from Francis Chan. There it was..."Slow Down and Show Grace" was the title to the next sermon. Here are a few of the points

1. Don't be quick to answer
2. Quick to speak, quick to anger
3. Take time to respond with love and grace
4. Slow down...the Lord has things in store for you

I think with all this social media and other conveniences in life, we have come to expect the "now" right now. Personally I tried to rush some things. Was social media the cause? No, personal insecurity and lack of faith was mainly the issue. So, I know I don't have to be quick to act on everything and waiting is ok. Sometimes it might even be a nice little present.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


At times it's easy for us to get pulled in so many directions, it's easy for us to get worn down. It's also easy for us to forget what is truly important as well. This past weekend as you may have read from my prior blog, I spent it with about 85-100 high school kids at a fall youth retreat with my church. If you think about it, it sounds like a lot of work and always keeping your eyes open since I was serving in a volunteer role. So naturally I would be tired today and dragging. However this is not the case.

Yesterday I tweeted that my batteries were run all the way down but yet I am refreshed. I'm not sure if it was the people I was with, the time spent worshiping, or just laying everything going on at Gods feet, or maybe it was everything above. However, I feel refreshed for the first time in a long while.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"What Inspires Me"

I've thought about the question that Trey(@magnetsfast) posted on twitter the other night. He asked, "What inspires you?". I looked at the question and really thought about it. I know some will answer fame, money, and the other usual answers. Webster's definition of inspire is to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration. I think people can be inspired by a number of things, including: nature, great feats of work, and even love. Yes, I did say love. That word is not to often in my vocabulary but there it is.

As I look back over the past few years, I know what inspires me. It's people. Yes, people. I can look back as people have come and gone out of my life and see who pushed me, and I know the ones that also had a negative effect as well. Some may not even know they pushed me or are pushing me now. It just happens. I really don't know how to explain it. But that feeling of when someone inspires you is like none other. I've never done a good job at telling people who inspire they have done so. I'll start working on that. It may surprise you in who it is.

So now I ask you, what inspires you?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's All About....

For the ones of you who only know me from reading my blog, I want to say that I am a big people watcher. I think this came from one of my favorite music videos, "Meant To Be" by Sammy Kershaw, as I was growing up. Everytime the video was on, I would watch it. Not really sure why, but I think about this video all the time as I people watch.

Anyway, this morning as I was stopped at a red light, I noticed a man walking with his son to school. However, the man was a good fifty feet in front of his son and smoking a cigarette. His son was struggling to keep up, and every now and then run for a few seconds then go back to walking. Now, I don't know the situation, or the relationship between the father and son so I'm not trying to judge.

What I gathered from this and thought about was, it's not all about us. I know we hear that all the time, but it's true. This can apply to business as well as our personal lives. Just a mid week thought...

By the way, here is a link to the video I was talking about. Enjoy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Merge Lane

It's funny where you get your ideas to blog about. Today as I was driving about, a young lady, maybe a college student, in a BMW was in a merge lane. As she was approaching the end of the merge lane she came to a stop. Being in the lane she needed to get in, I slowed down to let her in. She just sat there. So, I just passed her and went on. That little moment led to this blog.

My thoughts as I drove on down the road was how we need to jump in. However we must do our research in order to succeed. Example, say this girl came to the end of the merge lane, never looked, and just pulled out in traffic. I bet most of the time she slams into someone causing a wreck, hurting herself or someone else in the matter. That would be a fail. Now, the proper way would be to keep going at a slower rate, looking around to see when traffic is clear, and merging in slowing then hitting the gas.

Now, where am I going with this. We can look at business the same way. We have to do our research in order to succeed. If we jump in feet first with no research, there is a good chance we are going to fail. However, if we study and do our research about what we are getting into, we are not guarantied to succeed, but our chances are much much better.

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Can You Forget?

Well, as we all know it, today is 9/11. From Facebook to Twitter, I've been reading where everyone was. I was sitting in a college computer class. The class was a 8am class so when it happened I remember a teacher walked in saying a "small" plane had hit the World Trade Center. At that time I tried to log on to any news site I could to figure out what was going on. Then I was able to get some news and it was not a small plane at all. My thoughts went straight toward Osama. I finished my work and headed home to watch all the news coverage.

During that day, my thoughts were scattered. I was thinking about the brave firefighters and police officers heading in to the buildings to help. My thoughts also were thrown back to my memories of my stay in New York in the winter of 1995. We stayed in the World Trade Center Marriott on a school trip. I remember at night running around the World Trade Center with my friends. I remember looking down from my room on the the plaza where that huge globe stood. It was an amazing place.

Now on to the thoughts about what has happened since. I must say, no matter where you stand, it's no coincidence that we have not been attacked on our soil since. From the polices and procedures put in place by our administration, they have worked and protected this country. The fact of the matter is, the terrorist and their group that attacked us then, still hate us now.

So, in remembering 9/11, say a prayer for the families who lost love ones. Say a prayer for the troops defending our freedoms still today. And say a prayer for the freedoms that God has provided us with and blessed us with.

Here is a link to my pictures from my trip to New York in 1995.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

You Want to Be A Blogger?

First off, I really won't call what I do blogging. I have a post every two weeks or so and get a few people looking at my post. Second, if you are reading this thanks! But so often, I hear people saying they should start a blog. Usually somewhere in the conversation it comes up that I manage two blogs. If you didn't know I also manage a blog called "The Batters Eye". It's a blog devoted strictly to baseball.

So when talking to some people, they think you can put up a blog on blogger or wordpress and people will run across it and they will build some large following by hashing out their thoughts. Fact of the matter is, if you are not active in other blogs, your blog will struggle. Reason being, it's great to see what others write about. Some great blogs can come from a follow up off another blog. But, if you do this, make sure to credit the person.

Blogs can be fun but at the same time it's almost a job. Like I said before, you just can't throw a post up every so often and get a large following. I've got about 30 post up now and have 7 followers. I'm thankful for all my followers. It usually means I'm writing about something that is of interest to them. So, if you want to start a blog, don't get caught up with the numbers. Do what you can, when you can. Sometimes it's hard coming up with new topics and then sometimes they flow like a river. Just have fun and the rest will follow.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Let's Talk

Ok, let's sit down and have a little chat on this Monday afternoon. I've talked in blog entries in the past about marketing and networking, but today I want you to think about something. What do I want you to think about you may ask? Your Logo!

Think back to when you started your business. How much time, how much effort, and how much money did you spent on your logo? If you think about it, you probably spent a good amount of each of those either drawing up, looking over proposals, and thinking about how you want your business to be represented, correct?

So after you picked your logo out from the 20 or so drawings you did or proposals from an ad agency, you were pumped! You wanted everyone to see it. Let me take a guess that you e-mailed it out to everyone you know, added it into your signature, made sure it was at the top of your website and maybe even did something special on your website revealing your logo. You might have also printed up some flyers, did promo items so you could have your nice, shiny new logo on something to hand out, correct?

Ok, so now let's fast forward to right now. Where is your logo? Let me take a few guesses...outside your building, on your website, and your business cards more than likely. People pass by your location all the time but is it enough exposure, probably not. It's on your website, but are enough people finding your website? Unless your doing some sort of SEO, more than likely people are not finding your website enough. And last but not least, cards. What really happens to your cards once they leave your hands? Wouldn't you like to know.

So where else should your logo be displayed? Are you doing any promotions? Do your employees wear branded shirts or hats? Do your clients have t-shirts with your company name on them to wear during their casual time? Are you handing out client appreciation gifts? Business card magnets, schedule magnets, and calendar magnets? Are you staying in front of your clients or potential client base?

I'm not trying to preach to you, I've done the same mistakes and hopefully I've learned from them. All I'm trying to say is you have put a lot into your business including designing your logo, so be proud and let everyone you know how proud you are of your logo and your business. I bet it pays off in the long run!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Are You Engaging?

Well it's almost been a month since my last blog entry. I know I'm slacking a bit but I have come up with a few blog ideas that I will work on over the month. What I want to write about to day is being engaging. A few months and post ago, I touched on being social. This could tie in very well to that post.

As I sit here and watch a baseball game on the 4th, I see an over head shot of the field and see three dead spots where the outfielders stand during the game. As I see this it reminds me of a word that I have been hearing a bit lately, engaging. This word applies pretty much every area of your life. Are you engaging?

So why this really means is are you approchable? When people see you, are you someone they want to talk to? How is your demeanor? Are you smiling? How do you carry yourself? Do you look interesting? Or are you a dead spot like those three patches of grass on the baseball field?

So over the next few, I'll see what areas I can work on to be more engaging and I urge you to as well. Like I said, this does not just apply in areas of business but also personal. I know I'm going to have fun working on being more engaging.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loyal or Not?

I really want to know what you think. Growing up my family always seems to visit the same establishment for a type of service. If it was related to boating it was one place, always. If it was a book store it was the same place, always. My family as always been loyal to a place of business where ever we lived.

When I started working and making money of my own I took these same values. I have a favorite Chinese resturant I always visit, Mr. Wangs in Homewood, Al. I met these guys when I was in fifth grade and have eated at their resturant ever since. I have serveral businesses like this that I always do business with.

My thought is, the only time you should ever change where you are doing business is if you are going to be able to save a good amount of money or there is a change in the service you are getting. Now in saying about the money, often times you get what you pay for so that is a little less in my book. For me Service is the key.

So, do you think there has been a change in the amout of loyalty shown to businesses over the past couple years or do you think this is an out dated way to do business?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Do You Do?

So today when I was e-mailing out our June special to our customers I got an interesting response from one of them. It said the following:

"We are unable to purchase advertising specialties at this time of corporate consolidation."

This is a company that is made up of over 250 independent contractors that strictly work for this company. They do have a marketing department to assist these contractors and have various other staff. So, that got me thinking this afternoon. More of less, this company depends on these independent contractors to do the marketing. Now, in saying that I do have inside knowledge in this company and know they do some institutional marketing as well. However, it is some what limited, mainly magazines and newspaper.....ahh newspaper, really?

Ok, so what I am getting at is where are they spending the money and why? I served for two years on a marketing committee for a company like this when I was in real estate. The committee was made up of all types young to old. The younger agents always fought for more spending related to the internet and other items, while older agents liked glossy magazines and newspaper. The younger agents won for a few months at the end of our terms then when we rotated off it went right back to older forms of marketing.

The issue is you have no way to track who sees your message. Internet you know who is seeing it and with promotional products you know who is seeing, and most importanly getting your brand and logo in their hand. You have ways you can follow up. Second, you are depending on contractors who might or might not be making the extra money to promote and market themsleves and the company. So when does the instution need to step in, promote the company more to give back to the contractors and build business?

Am I off base? Thoughts?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What if?

As I'm sitting here watching the Yankee's(The Evil Empire) vs. the Phils, it reminds me of a story I read the other day. In the story that happened 10 years ago, Keith Olbermann was telling a story about how Vin Scully almost became the voice of the Yankee's in the mid 60's. Yes you read correctly, Vin Scully almost became the voice of the New York Yankee's. Think about that, Mr. Dodger would have been known now as Mr. Yankee! Well anyway, that's not the reason I'm writing this. The reason is a line that Keith used in the story. Here is the line:

"He excused himself to go back to preparing for his broadcast, and, as usual, made it seem like I had done him a great favor by introducing Michael to him."

Here is a man that is a legend in broadcasting, and acted like you did a favor for him by Keith introducing Michael to him. Michael Kay, who is now the voice of the Yankee's was still making his way at that time. What if everyone, no matter what their stature was like that?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Was it worth it?

Over the past few years there have been highlighted cases of people who have taken short cuts whether it be in their business, personal life, ministry, or else where. This opens up the possibilities of so many things when short cuts or even lies take place. Potentially you have the opportunity to destroy years and years of work.

I witnessed something first hand this past weekend. I had heard about some possible goings on but I was able to confirm it for myself over the weekend. When my suspicions were confirmed my thoughts went directly to what could possibly happen if everyone knew what was going on? So first off, any thing this person was saying had no direct effect on me. I knew they had taken the low road, passed something off as their own and pulled the wool over many eyes. And then secondly, I knew this person was a fraud.

So knowing what I knew, I wanted to know just a little bit more. Who else knew? So I found out. My findings were shocking. I found out that a person that is pretty high up you could say, knew about the issue at hand. His solution? Sweep it under the rug and hope no one ever finds out.

So what's at risk? In my eyes everything, absolutely everything. When you are in a very prominent position you have a responsibility. This man is a leader, well you are suppose to call him a leader. People have trusted you with that responsibility and all this person has done is take advantage of those people. If others are to find out it would discredit this man and pretty much anything he has said over the past 10 years while he has held this position.

So what we can learn from this? No matter what you think, a decision to lie or cut corners does not just hurt you, it affects many. It can make people question you and the role you serve. It can make one question his/her beliefs. Be honest, if you need help or are in trouble just ask for help. I know it sounds easy, but it's the truth.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Now I See..

Well I was planning on doing this blog post on another topic, but after this past weekend I changed my direction and will now put it off until my next post. So, you might be thinking, why did I change my mind? Well, I learned something and grew up a little more this past weekend. No, not in physical height, but I guess you could say mentally.

I had the opportunity to attend a mens retreat through my church. In total there we close to 100 men that attended the retreat, including my father and Trey Schaefer(@magnetsfast). It was a great weekend I must say. I really had no expectations.

Tom Davis, President of Children's Hope Chest was our speaker. I had heard of Tom but I had never taken the time to read any of his books(Red Letter Men, Fields of the Fatherless, and Confessions of A Good Christian Guy), so I really did not know much about Tom. Over the weekend I learned who Tom is and Tom's passion. If you have not read it yet, you need to check out Trey's blog and this well also speak on Tom's passion.

To check out Tom's foundation please check out and also you can follow Tom on Twitter @cthomasdavis

So during the first night I was thinking, "what are we talking about?" Over the next 24 hours I would learn. I always thought that the AIDS epidemic in Africa was their problem. I learned that the problem is everyone's. There are demonic things going on over there and a lot of witch-doctors thinking that they can cure AIDS. The fact of the matter is, young kids are being taken advantage of and their way is not the correct way and there needs to be a generational change.

So, over the weekend it made me think a lot. Not just in ways that I may be able to help, but just my life in general. It made me think of things I need to change and things I need to do better to grow in Christ. So overall it was an amazing weekend and helped change my outlook on things and look at things deeper and not just scan over the top of things.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


In life, I think it is very important to have mentors. Mentors can range from a former school teacher, close friend, family member, or business associate. In my life my father has been a positive role model in my life. My father has taken care of our family probably more than I even know, and plus his is a great man of Christ. As for other parts of my life I have two other gentlemen that I place that mentor tag on.

I think mentors play a important role in ones life. To me, a mentor is someone that one can bounce ideas off of, talk about important decisions that are taking place in ones life, and also get advice from someone who has life experience that can give perspective.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure either one of these men know how much I value their input. These are both men that I trust and know their intentions when giving advice. They also share the same values as my father as in being family men and also men of Christ.

So you are more than likely asking who these men are by this point. Well one is Bryan Mizzell. Bryan has known me pretty much since the day I was born. Bryan was 13 or so when I was born, and his father and my father were on staff together at a church in Tuscaloosa. Bryan is a military guy who is now a pilot for UPS and lives in Tuscaloosa once again. I usually see Bryan every two or three months. Bryan has worked hard for everything he has but yet kept his family first. I feel that is very important no matter who you are.

The one thing that stands out about Bryan is how he gives. Not only does he give his time to sit down with me from time to time to catch up talk about things going on in my life but he loves opening up his house during the summer for people to visit his lake house. I think Bryan really gets joy in helping and teaching others one of his interest, water sports. I've never once heard him say "man I'm ready for these people to leave." Bryan is truly one of the most genuine people I know.

The other is Jeff Dance. Jeff, like Bryan and my father is also a family man and a man of Christ.I've only known Jeff for about two years. See, Jeff is my Sunday school teacher. Jeff really has a passion for teaching young professionals. I usually see Jeff at least once a week if not more. Jeff is just a great overall resource for me and I'm thankful for it. I really do value our friendship.

If you noticed they all share the same characteristics. To be honest, I think you have to have those characteristics. You have to have your values in place in order to be an influence in someone else's life.

So, how does this relate to business? Are you in a place where you can be an influence on someone? If you are, are you being a positive or negative influence? If you fell like you are being negative, think about ways to change that and become a positive influence, not just for them but for yourself as well. Be giving of your time and resources.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rush, Rush, Rush.....

Over the past two years I have had the incredible opportunity to work with some great kids through our youth group at my church. I'm not sure if they know it or not but seeing the passion in these kids to serve God inspires me. When I have moments when I may feel down or tried they some how have a way to pick me up. But, over these two years I seem to always hear this phrase, "I can't wait to be out of high school!"

I know when I was in high school I always said the same thing. That's one of those things I think we all said. I think sometimes we get in the mentality where we want to rush things to get to the next part in the day, week, year, or just the next part in life. This morning as I was driving back from Tuscaloosa, Jeffrey Samplaski and I were talking about this subject.

Jeffrey and I were talking about as we get older, more and more stuff seem to get piled on our plates and less and less ever gets taken off. Now it's easy for us to tell these young people to enjoy this time, because you know there is always more positive than negative. The responsibility is less and you have more free time than you think. On that same point, you will never know as many people as you once did in high school.

So what's in it for us, meaning the ones out of high school? The ones that are in college or finishing, or those that have full time jobs with or with out families of their own. It means we need to enjoy today. It's easy to say that today since it is so beautiful outside, but I mean it. Take time for yourself. If you like reading, pick up a good book. If you like to puff on a good cigar, stop the your favorite cigar store and treat yourself, have a nice dinner with your family, or just sit out on your porch/deck and enjoy what God has given you today. What's given to us today is always not promised tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Opening Week, Done!

Well it's April 13th and opening week is done with. It has been a busy week in baseball. First off the major headline from last week was the passing of Nick Adenhart. I had just happened to watch some of that game against the A's on that Wednesday night. I watched him strike out Travis Buck and also get Eric Chavez to ground out. I remember thinking "man this kid looks young!" He was. I had a chance earlier to read the transcript from from the Dodgers game where Vin Scully:

If I may speak for every member of the Dodger organization, our heartfelt and deepest sympathies to the mother and family of Nick Adenhart, and to every member in the Angels organization, for the untimely accident and death of young Nick last night at the tender age of twenty-two. Nick, from Maryland, had pitched six scoreless innings and was in a car with three friends, and a driver apparently went through a red light and T-boned the car, killing three of the four, including Nick, and one other member is in critical condition. And if there is one thing I’ve learned in all my years — and I haven’t learned much — but the one thing I’ve learned: Don’t even waste your time trying to figure out life.

Ground ball through for Andre Ethier, and life continues for those who still have it. And with a leadoff single, Russell Martin will be coming up.

But I would say, it would’t be a bad idea to take a moment and say a prayer in memory for Nick, especially for his parents. What a shock to lose a twenty-two-year-old.

Andre Ethier at first base, Russell Martin the batter, James Loney on deck, and the Dodgers try to strike in the second inning against Kevin Correia. (From

I'm not sure it could be said any better.

As we get to baseball, it was a wacky week. Just look at the American League east for instance, Blue Jays are first, The O's are second, followed by New York, Tampa Bay, then Boston. Will this remain like this? I think not. The pitching from Boston will get cranked up and so to will the Yankee's. The big questions is the Ray's bullpen. Can it hold up? We will see.

Also you saw award winners like Dustin Pedroia, Cliff Lee, and Tim Lincecum all struggle. Then you see guys that have bounced around like Emilio Bonifacio light up opposing pitching. Dustin, Cliff, and Tim will bounce back and we'll also find new rising stars.

Then today, another dark day for baseball. I learned of Harry Kalas' passing a few hours before their game against the Nats. So sad to hear. What a great voice and pleasure to listen to. Then later in the day I learn about the passing of Mark "The Bird" Fidrych. Earlier this month I saw an interview with Mark on the MLB Netork and he just seemed like such a good guy. Oh yeah he had pretty good stuff as well.

So in ending, baseball has lost a rising superstar in Nick, a legend of the booth in Harry, and national sensation with great stuff in Mark. Baseball is better because of class acts like you gentlemen!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is this?

Over the past few years social media has exploded. I'm not sure if exploded is even the word for it. I have a social media map and it has over 100 different sites. It's really amazing with what's going on in social media. The one problem I see with social media is some people have no idea what it is when they sign up. The biggest questions I hear is what is this, why am I on here, and how do I work this?

Trey Schaefer and I went bass fishing after a long week last Saturday. We talked about this subject as we drove down the road. The main thing is, for different businesses there are different uses for these sites. On Twitter we use it to make new contacts, and also develop new ideas. We use Facebook to stay connected with old friends, mostly. Jason Hill with Provenance Digital, described how a stock broker could use Twitter to mass communicate where his/her clients when there was market news. This could create a large volume of calls instantaneous. Now, he also did point out that would be some educating on how to use the service.

That's where I'm getting to, education. If you sign up for any of these many services, but never educate yourself, you are doing yourself and your business no good. I admit, when I first got on Twitter two months ago, I had no clue what it was nor what it did. I was updating just like Facebook, ie. "Patrick is going to get some ice cream." After educating myself and talk with Trey, we figured it out and got connected with great people.

The best thing you can do to find out more about all these services is read articles, ask people that have a understanding, and most importantly, get involved once you sign up. Just because someone tells you to get on a site does not mean you have to. First, consider the source. Second, ask them why you should get on this site. If they can not tell you why, then they don't know either. Education is the key.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Housing Issue

Wow what a last two days. Yesterday you had a rant from Rick Santelli about the housing stimulus. For me, I think Rick or The Great Santelli as I call him, spoke for a large portion of America. I think if you own a house or not, you do not want to help out someone that was irresponsible.

Now, today I heard Joe Biden’s economic advisor, Jared Bernstein, speak in regards to Mr. Santelli’s comments yesterday. Mr. Bernstein said that this bill is there to help out homeowners that are in a bind. He also said that these people they will be helped are not irresponsible. He said these people were caught out by the bursting of the house bubble. These people were caught out because the housing bubble burst and that these people lost equity in their homes and could not refi to a lower rate.

Ok, what? Rick Santelli came back with this point. What is the difference between you and I losing value in our 401k to someone losing value in their home?

As I am an Economics major, I know from economic point of view there’s not one. They are both classified as an investment, an INVESTMENT! People lose and make money in investments everyday.

Now, let me get back to the real estate bubble. I was a Realtor for 5 years. I saw deals where people barely qualified for homes. They look out 3 and 5 year ARM’s to get into these houses. Let me also state, that in my 5 years, not one of my clients ever did a 3 or 5 or 7 year ARM. The loan officers I worked with educated my clients. So for these that took out the ARM’s , I would like to ask them, what did you think was going to change in the next 3-5 years for you to be able to refi and be able to afford this house? I want you to tell me how they were responsible?

Quote from Ronald Reagan: Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.

Please feel free to leave a comment

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Marketing and the Economy

Today was a day of meetings and networking. First was BNI then Homewood Chamber, and to finish the day was the business to business power team for Birmingham's Best BNI group. No I'm not cocky, that is our name, Birmingham's Best.

Today my theme I guess you can say was not letting your flame burn out. Studies have shown that during a recession companies that continue to market gain market share. You hear people say that no one is spending money so why should I? Reason number one is: People are STILL spending money! The fact of the matter is they might not be spending the amount they used to but they are still spending money. Reason number two you want to market: To get the people spending money with YOU and not you competition down the street or around the corner.

Now when you say market I have to spend a couple thousand dollars, put a ad in the newspaper, put an ad in the local magazine right? No! Get creative. Think about ways to market yourself/company with out spending a ton of money. Talk to other local business owners to find out how their business is and what they are doing in a down economy. If you don't know other local business owners get involved in a local chamber or two to meet these people. Now look what you have just done, you did some marketing for hardly any money what so ever. Also look for small items that you can pass out that will not cost a lot of money. Magnets for example are a great way to market yourself. Look at the ROI of a magnet. Say you bought 1000 business card magnets and each one cost 0.24 cents each. That magnet will go on their fridge or filing cabinet and will be seen no less than 240 times in a year. The cost per impression on that magnets comes out to.........0.001 cents. Pretty amazing and you stay in front of the people.

Market share is gained in a down economy. You will have to spend money, but know where you are spending your money. Don't take the buckshot approach and scatter ads all around. Target your audience.

Feel free to add your thoughts!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who is Patrick Finley anyways?

Why am I writing a blog? Well first, I like to be creative somewhat, and second I do have thoughts every now and then that I would like to share.

So, who am I? I am the son of a Baptist minister who after 32+ years of marriage is still married to my mother who plays the organ for my father on Sundays. I have wonderful parents and I do not thank them enough for what they have provided me with and the opportunities that they have sacrificed to give me things that have enriched my life. I have one brother that is married and they are in the process of adopting two wonderful kids that are brother and sister.

I have moved about 9 times during my life and all in the state of Alabama. I still have friends from just about everywhere I have lived. I graduated high school in 1998. When I graduated I really had no idea what I wanted to do so I took a few years off. During that time, I started a lawn care company with a close friend of mine. It was a small company but it gave us something to do. I liked lawn care somewhat so I thought about being a golf course superintendent. So I went to Auburn University in 2002 to pursue a degree in turfgrass management. After a year at Auburn I found out that I had thought wrong, and also not applied myself very well.

I came back to Birmingham in 2003 to pursue a career in real estate. Real estate had always interest me so I went to real estate school and became a Realtor. During my first month I sold my first house! During the real estate years there were ups and downs. I played around with many sides of real estate including commercial, residential mostly, and land development. At the end of 2007 I started to have doubts about continuing my real estate career. At the end of February 08' I had made up my mind it was time to get out. People asked me why, and it was not the economy that pushed me to this decision. See, from September 07 to April 08, I had a closing every month except March. I just did not care for real estate sales any more.

Also at the beginning of 2008 I started back to school at Jefferson State to get my feet wet again. I then approached close friend and owner of Art Promotional Services about a job. We talked about and he said sure. I thank him for that and I've learned a lot from him about marketing and advertising with promotional products as well as life. During the past year my sales have sucked to my standards. During the past year I have also held a 4.0 gpa and have transferred to Alabama. Business in the first quarter has picked up giving me more confidence as well. Also during this time Trey launched a website called which specializes in custom magnets like save the date, schedule, business card, and calendar magnets.

So what's in the cards for 09'? Keeping my grades up, selling magnets and promotional items, mixed in with a little bit of fun.

What can you expect from my blog? Well I guess my interest for example: fishing, golf, wakeboarding, snowboarding(maybe if I get to go), Major League Baseball(Go Sox!!), business, and random events.

So have I answered who I am?