Sunday, January 9, 2011

Out Of Whack

In life, we have this picture of what our life is supposed to look like. We have these ideas of what we should own, what we should do for a living, and the order it should all take place. We're supposed to set up priorities to keep us in check, and in my life, that was the one thing I over looked. I over looked the placement of these priorities.

From age 19-25 my priorities were very much out of whack. My ambitions were in my socioeconomic status and not based in my faith. I've been a Christian since the age of 7. I knew where I should place my priorities, but due to a lack of positive Christian influences and my own discipline, I placed my priorities else where. So during the years I mentioned above, I accumulated money, stuff, and friends that fueled these worldly desires. In my mind I had everything, I had the money, I had the truck, I had the lifestyle, but really I had nothing other than stuff that didn't matter.

After a long 2005, I decided to examine my life and where I stood. It wasn't until late 2009 that I realized my faith was not as strong as it needed to be and I had let worldly ambitions trump my faith. Even though I was going to church, volunteering, and in Bible study, I was still just going through the motions. This journey that I have been on over the past few years continues as I write this. I now know what is of most important to me, and where my priorities should be placed.

Looking back, those years where I was chasing worldly desires were some of the most empty times of my life. And now I might not have all the things that this world seems to judge us by, but I know where my desires are fueled from and very happy that my priorities are in place.

Just in case your wondering my priorities:
1. God(church)
2. Family and Friends
3. School
4. Work