Tuesday, October 13, 2009


At times it's easy for us to get pulled in so many directions, it's easy for us to get worn down. It's also easy for us to forget what is truly important as well. This past weekend as you may have read from my prior blog, I spent it with about 85-100 high school kids at a fall youth retreat with my church. If you think about it, it sounds like a lot of work and always keeping your eyes open since I was serving in a volunteer role. So naturally I would be tired today and dragging. However this is not the case.

Yesterday I tweeted that my batteries were run all the way down but yet I am refreshed. I'm not sure if it was the people I was with, the time spent worshiping, or just laying everything going on at Gods feet, or maybe it was everything above. However, I feel refreshed for the first time in a long while.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is awesome Patrick.

    Sometimes it's good to get away for a retreat and recharge our batteries.

    I'll see you soon brother.
